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Event Calendar

DSES: Behavior Resources and Interventions

Tuesday, January 18, 2022
6:30 pm8:30 pm

January 18th, Speakers:
Speakers & Topic:

"Behavior Interventions with MMI. Houston, We Have a Problem: An Introduction to Behavioral Management Strategies"

With Dr. Corey Lieneman & Dr. Lynda B. Hayes

Join DSA and this panel who will discuss Behavior Interventions & Strategies you can use!
The content of the presentation is appropriate for individuals caring for and supporting children with Down Syndrome and/or intellectual/developmental delays, including caregivers and families and educators and other support staff.
Aim of presentation
Provide a brief introduction to behavioral concerns frequently observed at home and in the classroom
Describe basics of behavior, including behavioral functions
Provide behavioral management tips and strategies for a variety of behavioral concerns
Provide overview of clinic-based behavioral family therapy

The 90 minute panel will discuss these topics and more! To be followed by a 30 minute Q&A for families/guardians. *Tentative plans for in-person at DSA and recorded.

6:30 - 8:30PM, open to all, RSVP for location/information