Mothers Connected by Down Syndrome (DSA Moms) is a subgroup of the Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands.
It is an active and engaged community of moms who reside in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. We gather to lend one another support as we travel this common journey. While we face many of the same issues, we all have unique experiences and perspectives. We all benefit from sharing resources, tips, advice and friendship.
Mothers Connected by Down Syndrome meetings are held from 8:30-10:00 AM on the second Saturday of the month at Paradise Bakery in Village Pointe. We often engage a speaker on topics helpful to our families. Our monthly roundtables are on average attended by 15 moms, providing a productive yet intimate setting for an inclusive, single circle group.
Mothers Connected by Down Syndrome also arranges moms’ night out activities throughout the year at various venues. When schedules permit, moms gather for a glass of wine, pedicures, a bite to eat, or to make a craft. These are simply informal opportunities to get together and take a break, vent, relax and unwind. Being a parent is hard for everyone. It will come as no surprise that being a parent to a child with special needs can be especially trying at times. DSA Moms acknowledges this and wants to provide and facilitate opportunities to get out, connect and bond with other moms who share this common thread.
In 2010 DSA Moms created a closed group on Facebook populated by mothers living in the Omaha Metro. Even if you are unable to attend any events, meetings or activities, you can still be involved in the Facebook group. After joining DSA you are encouraged to request admittance to this extremely active group. To ensure the privacy of our group, we only approve moms we know.